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General and Preventative Care

Regular dental care and preventative maintenance is the most important part of maintaining your oral health. While proper home care is crucial in maintaining oral and gum health, professional cleanings every six months, or sometimes even more often,  play an important role in preventing larger ,more expensive dental issues from arising.

Dental Care at Home

Preventative dental care at home should consist of daily brushing, flossing and rinsing at least twice a day. This will prevent plaque from forming and decay from occurring. Use a soft toothbrush to brush your teeth and floss to clean those hard-to-reach areas.

General Dentistry

Our professional cleanings are performed by a board-certified dental hygienist who will clean your teeth and discuss proper home care techniques with you. Digital x-rays may also be taken to capture detailed images of your teeth and diagnose any diseases. During regular cleanings, either Dr. Stacey or Dr. Nath will perform an exam of your entire mouth to ensure oral health. If needed, they will recommend a more frequent professional cleaning schedule or discuss any concerns.

We provide general and preventative care services such as:

Dr. Stacey Nath-Vinick dental exam
Teeth brushing demonstration, Dentist near Suffield
magnificent ancient oak in forest

At AGN Dental Associates, we take great pride in providing our patients with the highest quality of care and a positive dental experience. We’re proud to provide dental care to patients throughout Western Massachusetts, Northern Connecticut and beyond.

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